
Pastel Wedding + DIY Shoes

I love this season's trend of Pastels, and decided to create a Pastel Mood board.

Pastels when used create an overall look that is gentle, warm and inviting. I can't help but think of ice-cream cone and pretty things.

To create this gorgeous shoes

You will need some basic Ivory shoes, some nylon fishing line and some silk chiffon fabric in the color/pattern of your choice!

Next cut two pieces of fabric. 15" X 13" in length. Then fold the fabric in an accordion style with the 15" length longest.

Take the fabric and tie a lose knot around the front of the shoe. It is important to use a shoe the has

a narrow middle part in the front

Next Cut four pieces of fishing line about 30" long. Then push one side so there is a nice small bump and wrap the fishing line around where fingers are below. Tie in a Knot on the underside so you won't see it. Wrap the fishing line around again and Knot again.

Do that again so you have two small sections on each side. And then repeat on the other side.

Once you have the first shoe done, go ahead and repeat on your second shoe. Once you have your shoes done, trim the ends so they match each other in length.

And there you go! Pretty shoes for your wedding day.



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